Iowa Women in Natural Resources
Board members all hold two year terms, with the exception of the Treasurer position. Elections are now held on even years at the annual conference.
Sarah Nizzi, PresidentMe.
Sarah Nizzi is originally from central Iowa and is a graduate from Drake University with a bachelor's of science in environmental science. Currently, she is employed by the Xerces Society as a Pollinator Conservation Specialist, NRCS Partner Biologist. Sarah has been active with IWINR since her first conference in the winter of 2014. She has held multiple executive board positions and was elected president in 2022. She has also participated in Outdoor Journey for Girls as a mentor/chaperone and instructor. Off the clock Sarah volunteers for other conservation non-profit groups and enjoys hunting, fishing, running, kayaking, biking, and writing.
Carrie Tolzin, Vice President
Carrie Tolzin grew up in southwest Iowa and is a graduate from Bemidji State University with a bachelor's in environmental studies with an emphasis in hydrology and a minor in geology. Currently residing in northwest Iowa, she works as an IDALS Watershed Coordinator for the Headwaters of the North Raccoon Watershed. Carrie has been an active IWINR member since her first conference in 2017 and has since held the positions of Member-at-Large, Secretary, and was recently elected as Vice President in 2022. In her free time, Carrie enjoys kayaking, fishing, and hunting with her family, reading, and spending time with her dogs Jada, Rio, and Reese.
Lori Eberhard, Treasurer
Lori Eberhard is originally from northeast Iowa and is a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in natural history interpretation. She is currently the Park Manager at George Wyth State Park in Waterloo and has held that position for over 20 years. Lori started with Iowa DNR in State Parks at Lacey Keosaqua State Park in southeast Iowa. She has been involved with IWINR for 22 years and 11 of those years as the life appointed treasurer (and has not been booted from the position yet). Lori helped bring Outdoor Journey for Girls to the eastern half of the state at Hickory Hills Park, which is managed by Black Hawk County Conservation. This has been a great partnership. In her spare time she enjoys traveling anywhere, hanging out with friends and family, campfires, and trying new recipes on her pellet grill.
Kayla Clausen, Secretary
Kayla Clausen is originally from Greenfield, Iowa and is a graduate from Iowa State University with a bachelor's degree in forestry and an option in Interpretation. In the fall of 2022 Kayla became the Director of Decatur County Conservation Board. Prior to she was a full time Naturalist since she graduated from ISU in 2016. Kayla became active with IWNR after she attended her first conference in 2020. Since then, she has been a Member-at-Large and was recently elected as Secretary in 2022. Kayla attended Outdoor Journey for Girls as a 12 year old and now participates as a mentor/chaperone. In her free time, she enjoys anything outdoors, crafting, reading, seeing friends and family, and spending time with her miniature dachshund, Evie.
Nichoel Church, Member-at-Large
Nichoel Church is originally from the Quad Cities and was an intern with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island District before graduating from Iowa State University with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science in 2009. Nichoel worked in south Florida and Omaha before leaving federal service in 2012 to become an Environmental Scientist at Snyder & Associates, Inc. in Ankeny. The best part of her job is restoring wetlands and streams throughout Iowa. Nichoel began participating in IWINR and volunteering as a mentor/chaperone for Outdoor Journey for Girls in 2022. Helping the girls learn life skills is priceless! Outside of the office, Nichoel enjoys spending time with her family and two dogs, crafting in her art room while listening to audiobooks, and traveling around the world.
Sarah Klein, Member-at-Large
Sarah Klein is an Iowa State graduate with a bachelor’s of science in biology with minors in sustainability and forestry. Currently splitting her time between southern and central Iowa, she is employed by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Working as Honey Creek State Park’s Manager, you can find her most days in one of Iowa’s State Parks. Her previous conservation work in Iowa includes natural resource management with the Iowa DNR Blackhawk Wildlife Management Unit, Conservation Corps of IA and MN, and the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation. Sarah is a new member of IWINR, attending her first conference in 2021, and joining the board as a member at large in 2023. was her first year at Outdoor Journey for Girls, assisting with Archery instruction. When she’s not at work, she enjoys hiking with her dogs Bonnie and Pippin, kayaking, gardening, and plotting ways to improve her chicken coop.
Olivia LaGrange, Member-at-Large
Olivia LaGrange is originally from Cedar Rapids, Iowa and is a graduate from Iowa State University with a degree in environmental science and biology in 2015. In the summer of 2022, Olivia became an Easement Specialist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Des Moines. Prior to she worked in a handful of different non-profits and private sector positions all in the natural resources realm. Olivia is a new member to IWNR and is excited to jump in headfirst with this great organization and help with Outdoor Journey for Girls in 2024. In her free time, Olivia enjoys traveling, live music, kayaking, hiking with her dog Reya, and spending time in the tree stand with her bow.